Leather Agitation Collars with Handle for Schutzhund training
Handcrafted 2 Ply Leather Agitation Dog Collar With Handle 1 3/4 inch (45 mm) wide .
Durable leather Agitation dog collar with handle for dog training,working dogs,schutzhund training,police dogs!
General "Woof" Collar Tip: When you need adjustable collar with more than just 1,2 or 3 notches/holes purchase one of our collars w3ith confidence.
We make our standard collars with at least 5 notches/holes to give your dog enough adjustment flexibility when your dogs goes on diet or grows/ gains some weight.
No need to purchase new collar.
Our standard Leather Agitation Collar with a heavy-duty leather handle permanently attached!
New BRASS D-ring location places handle where you connect your leash/lead.
These agitation leather dog collar is made of the finest quality leather .
The stitching is all reinforced.
This agitation collar is built to last a lifetime.
Your leash can come off and you can still securely hold your dog before releasing them.
We have also found that we like this agitation collar with handle for Agitation work and also for Police dog training,k9 training,Schutzhund training for working dogs and more..
Training your Schutzhund with high quality Leather Agitation Collar with Handle